viernes, 1 de febrero de 2008

Back in Cusco- going to Puno

So, I arrived to Cusco that evening and went to sleep early. I could have a good rest, since I had the whole day free. I visited the Inka Museum, that displays different aspects of Inka culture, and the Museum of Precolumbine Art, which is really very beautiful. I also visited the cloister of La Merced church and its gallery of paintings which are peculiar for the baroque period of Peru.
Unfortunately, it is not allowed to take pictures in the Museums, but here you are a link to the Museo de arte Precolombino. (As for the Inka Museum, it seems to have no website- really strange)
The next day, I travelled from Cusco to Puno, a city by the Titicaca lake. I went by bus, with the Inka express line, which is great, because it makes stops during the trip to visit interesting places like the church of Andahuaylillas, completely painted and decorated; San Pedro Raqchi with the monumental temple dedicated to Wirakocha, the biggest Inka temple in Peru and built part with stone and part with mud. We made a stop to have lunch and then there was another stop at La Raya, in the limit between the Provinces of Cusco and Puno. It's a place at 4300 m above sea level, so I could just get off the bus, look at the mountains and the landscape for a couple of seconds, take a couple of pictures and get in the bus again, because I didn't feel well at all at that altitude. Later in the afternoon, we arrived to Puno , with enough time to rest and prepare myself to navigate lake Titicaca next morning.

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